Transylvanian Horn Cake – Baumkuchen

Rating: 3.5025 / 5.00 (603 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For the dough:

For the glaze:


For the Kürtöskalács/Tree Cake, knead the dough ingredients into a fine, slightly firmer yeast dough. Cover with a cloth and let rise for 1 hour in a warm place.

In the meantime, heat the fireplace with charcoal to create a nice glowing surface. Grease the wooden cylinder with butter.

Mix the sugar with the grated walnuts and spread evenly on a baking paper. Take a portion of the risen dough the size of a coffee plate and shape it on a floured board into a finger-width long strip of dough about 5 mm thick. Wind this onto the wooden cylinder all around with little gap and then press the gap between the dough strips closed with your fingers so that no more wood is visible.

Now place the cylinder on the brick or metal holder and bake slowly over the embers, turning constantly. Once the dough starts to color a bit, brush with melted butter and roll over the baking paper with the sugar-nut mixture. Continue to bake over the embers. In between, brush with butter and dust with a little powdered sugar to give a caramelized shiny surface from the heat. After about 15 minutes, the pyramid cake is baked.

Carefully pull the Kürtöskalács down from the wooden cylinder and store covered upright until serving.

Preparation Tip:

The Kürtöskalács should be made only with the appropriate utensils and becomes really fine when prepared traditionally over a charcoal grill. The Kürtöskalács roaster is a 30-35 cm long wooden cylinder, about 10-12 cm in diameter, which has an iron rod in the middle, sticking out 10 cm on one side and about 50 cm on the other, preferably with a wooden handle (I converted a wooden noodle walker). The fireplace, an open fireplace or a barbecue should either be equipped with a prefabricated "spit" holder or be provided with two bricks each as a support.

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