The Real Chili Con Carne

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Roast corn on the cob in a frying pan with four tablespoons of oil until golden brown.

Next, keep warm in an oven at about 160 °C.

Mix the cumin, oregano, sage and black pepper in a baking bowl. Add the ground beef and rub the spices in heartily.

Stir through yogurt, sour cream and curd, season with a pinch of pepper and salt. Chop onions, kitchen herbs and garlic cloves.

Heat four tablespoons of oil in a shallow, wide saucepan and brown the meat well.

When meat is well browned, remove and in the same saucepan sauté onions and garlic. Add the meat one more time, fold in the chili spice, season with salt, extinguish with beer. However, it should not be too tart, bitter beer. Drain the canned tomatoes well, add and fold in.

Add the clear soup and bay leaves, season with salt and simmer for 25 to 30 minutes.

Just before serving, add the green, yellow chilies, chopped culinary herbs and tomatillos. Simmer for five minutes.

Finely grate and mix in the chocolate and bring to the table with a blob of yogurt-curd dip.

Our tip: It is best to use fresh herbs for a particularly good flavor!

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