Mango Info + Some Recipe Suggestions

Rating: 3.2222 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 5 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



The green-yellow-orange mottled tree fruit, which looks something like a dented large lemon, belongs to the Anacardia family. It is native to India and the tropics. Its apricot-colored, tender flesh contains lots of vitamin A and also C, calsium and iron, but often tastes resinous and slightly like turpentine. The reddish varieties are sour, the greenish-brown sweet. The best mango fruit is the “Alphonso”. The skin is leathery tough, the flesh slightly fibrous around the flat, tightly fused core.

The raw mango fruit

is considered an attractive dessert. It is cut lengthwise into 3 slices, rounding the core, then served with sugar or vanilla sugar or sugar and curry or cardamom and cold rum or whipped cream. The pulp is spooned out of the skin. For each person – depending on the size – calculate 1/2-1 mango. You can peel the fruit wedges in the same way and cut them even smaller. (Note Renate Schnapka: It was not mentioned here that the mango contains a lot of sugar.

Mango dessert bowl

Mango slices are mixed with thawed raspberries or fresh wild strawberries, with banana or kiwi slices, sugared and mixed with a fruit liqueur (orange, cherry) or with raspberry brandy, egg liqueur or rum and a little bit of lemon juice. You can also add vanilla or nut ice cubes.

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