Hungary’s Bouillabaisse: Hal Szl – Info

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Total time: 5 min



Info: The fishermen of the Tisza and Lake Balaton his own about a recipe that is in no way inferior to the southern French bouillabaisse, the fish soup hal szlÂ. The delicate flavor of the paprika gives a special touch to this fine and tasty dish, which can easily be served as a main course because of its rich ingredients. The original recipe rather requires many different fish, which are not available outside Hungary, and a large cauldron heated over an open fireplace. Only after that, according to the conviction of a Hungarian, a real hal szl is created. Non-Hungarians and city people are obliged to be content with less variety of fish and the stove top.

Clean, rinse and cut the fish into 3cm cubes. Layer the different kinds of fish in a large bowl, each one individually with a layer of sliced onions, and finish with a layer of fish. Pour tap water over the fish so that it is covered, add salt and let it bubble up.

Sprinkle in the two paprika powders and let everything simmer together for about 60 minutes, shaking the Reindl occasionally, but do not stir, as the pieces of fish will fall apart alternatively.

Put the hal szl on the table by placing the Reindl on the table.

Serve with fresh white bread.

Our tip: Buy fresh fish at the market or in a fish store!

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