Honey Liqueur – Bear Catch From East Prussia

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For the approach:


Recommended: Linden blossom honey, heather or acacia blossom honey Not recommended is fir honey, it could possibly make the liqueur bitter.

Place honey and water in a saucepan, heat gently over very low heat, stirring throughout, until the honey has dissolved. The honey water should always remain lip-warm and must not become too hot.

The honey water into a preparation vessel, better however into a 2l bottle form. Fill up with alcohol. Now shake the bottle gently so that the two liquids mix well. Close the bottle and place it in a cool place for 6-8 weeks. (The honey likes to form streaks. These are most easily eliminated if the honey solution is kept as cool as possible). Pass the mixture through a filter paper. Now again fill into a bottle, close and store in the cool place. The liqueur is now ready, but should rest for a few weeks. During this time, it can be filtered again at intervals of several days to make it clear. If the “Bärenfang” remains cloudy, this is by no means a sign of poor quality, but merely proof that the healing powers of the honey have not been destroyed by boiling.

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