Coward Terrine

Rating: 3.6667 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



(*) For a pie dish (quiche dish) of about 1 1/2 liters, lined with plastic wrap (enough for about 6 people) Fig puree: Boil water with the dried figs. Reduce temperature, simmer for about 15 minutes, crush, set aside, cool.

Cheese mousse: Mash cream cheese in a baking bowl with a fork. Add olive oil and thyme, stir through, season.

Bring water with the sulz powder to a boil while stirring, cool slightly, stir into the cheese mixture, cool.

Fold in whipped cream and fig cubes.

To fill: spread the bottom of the prepared mold with the fig slices (1). Pour in 1/3 of the cheese mixture, about half an hour, set aside to cool. Pour the fig puree into a piping bag with a round nozzle (8 mm in diameter) and squirt it onto the cheese mixture. Finish with remaining cheese mixture. Wrap the overlapping plastic wrap, put terrine to cool for at least 3 hours.

Serve: Turn terrine out onto a platter, remove plastic wrap, cut into slices about 2 inches thick. Arrange on plates, garnish with fig slices (2) and drizzle with olive oil.

Serve with toasted white bread, e.g. baguette.

Tips: Instead of goat cream cheese, use cream cheese (e.g. St-Moret leger).

Can be prepared: The terrine can be cooked a day in advance, keep in the refrigerator with the lid closed.

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