Couscous with Meat and Vegetables

Rating: 3.125 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



Soak peas for one night, drain, cover with fresh water and make 3 hours. Cool in the water. Cut off meat, place in a large pot. In the absence of a couscous maker, use a larger pot. Dice onions and garlic. Add to meat with saffron, salt, cinnamon, peppercorns, paprika, oil and 1/2 liter of water. Drain the chickpeas and add them.

Cover and simmer at low temperature for about 30 minutes. Add carrots and beets to the meat, undivided. Cut zucchini diagonally and melanzane lengthwise, peel tomatoes, cut pumpkin into strips and rinse and chop kitchen herbs. After 30 minutes, add everything together, except for the pumpkin, to the meat. Make pumpkin in salted water 15 min, drain. Couscous cook (gibts even already in the cooking bag) with butter, ghee, loosen up and on a plate give. Put pumpkin, vegetables, meat on top and 6 tbsp of the sauce. Season the rest of the sauce with harissa and serve it separately.

“Kitchens of the World Arabia” by Petra Casparek and Erika Casparek-Türkkan

Our tip: It is best to use fresh herbs for a particularly good aroma!

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