Cabbage Sprout Mince Pie

Rating: 2.2857 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



For the cabbage sprouts mince pie, prepare a baking tray of 28 cm ø. Cut the cabbage sprouts in half. Cut the carrots, celery and leek into fine strips. Chop the onion.

Heat the oil in a pan and steam the raw vegetables well. Add the meat and saute until it is no longer raw.

Season with nutmeg, pepper, salt and ground cloves and mix everything together well. Let cool.

Roll out 2/3 of the finished cake dough on a little flour. Spread the dough on the baking sheet so that about 2 cm of dough protrudes all around. Prick it several times with a fork.

Pour the filling on top and spread the Brussels sprouts evenly on top. Fold the edge of the dough inwards. Beat the egg with a fork. Brush the edge of the dough with some of it.

Roll out the remaining dough. Place as a lid on the cake and press the edge well smooth. Brush the top with the remaining egg and prick it with a fork in the shape of a star.

Place the bottom half in a 200 °C oven and bake the cabbage sprouts and mince cake for about 40 minutes.

Preparation Tip:

You can also use other vegetables, such as fennel, cauliflower, broccoli and salsify, respectively, for the cabbage sprouts and minced meat cake.

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