Buckwheat Blinis Russian Yeast Pancakes

Rating: 3.6667 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


Spinach filling:

Mushroom filling:

Curd filling:


Try this delicious pasta dish:

Put flour in a suitable bowl, make a bulge in the middle. Mix water, yeast and honey, pour into the bulge, cover with a little bit of flour and leave for 15 min. warm. When bubbles form and the mixture swells, gradually mix in the remaining flour until the dough has the consistency of a thick soup, perhaps adding more water or flour. Season with herb salt. Finish baking thin saucer-sized pancakes in a little fat. Put some filling on the pancakes form, fold, bring to table.

Spinach filling: Mix the spinach with the cream cheese and season with freshly grated nutmeg.

Mushroom filling: Steam mushrooms and onions until soft, add grated cheese and season.

Curd filling: Stir the curd cheese with the egg and season with parmesan, dill and parsley.

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