White Wine Sauce

Finely slice the peeled shallot. The onion flavor becomes mild and delicate if you briefly rinse the slices under running water. Put the ingredients in the saucepan one by one. At the beginning, pour the shallot slices, then the white wine. Pour the Noilly Prat and let everything boil. Add the fish stock and reduce … Read more

Chanterelle Loaf

Clean the chanterelles and cut them into small pieces. Chop the onion and add to the chanterelles. Add eggs and breadcrumbs and mix well. Add some finely chopped fresh chives and season with salt and pepper. Form the loafs and fry in a little oil on both sides.

Fried Mango in Macadamia Nut Oil

Peel the mangoes and cut the flesh from the core. From the pulp cut slices as uniformly thick as possible. Heat a frying pan, add macadamia nut oil and lightly fry the mango slices in it. Arrange the mango slices on the dressed curd cheese. Roast the macadamia nuts in the frying pan a little … Read more

Cream of Pumpkin Soup with Cabbage Roulade

For the cream of squash soup with cabbage roll, separate the cabbage leaves, wash, cut away the bottom stem cone and scald in hot water for 2 minutes. Cool immediately in iced water. Lay cabbage leaves side by side, overlapping tightly, and pat dry. Mix whipped cream, meat and bacon, season and spread on cabbage. … Read more

Autumn Smoothie

For the autumn smoothie, core and coarsely chop the apple, pear and plums and puree with cinnamon and the pomegranate juice in a stand mixer.

Satay Sauce Malay Satay Sauce

A great cake recipe for any occasion: Finely chop chilies (seeded), garlic, candlenuts, shallots and lemongrass and mix well. Lightly toast peanuts in the oven or in a dry container on the kitchen stove and then coarsely crush. Lightly cook the former ingredients in a saucepan with oil for 5 min, stirring occasionally. Add coconut … Read more

Orange Punch Jam

For the orange punch jam, squeeze the oranges. Put the juice and also the pulp from squeezing into a pot and mix with the preserving sugar and some lemon juice. You can also add some apple juice if the amount of orange juice is not enough. Add the punch spice mixture to a tea infuser … Read more

Hearty Curd Cheese Soufflé

For the savory curd casserole, first separate the eggs. Cream the butter and mix with yolks, milk, curd cheese and semolina. Cut the meat sausage into small cubes and mix with parsley and the curd mixture. Now season with salt, garlic salt, paprika and bell pepper and mix well again. Then whip the egg whites … Read more


Sift flour and salt into a wide bowl. Mix with about 185 ml of water to form a soft dough. Knead the dough on a floured work surface for about 5 minutes until it is smooth and elastic. Now knead with wet hands for another minute to make it completely soft. Wrap it in plastic … Read more

Gingerbread Tart

For the gingerbread tart, roll out puff pastry to a thickness of two millimeters and use an upturned bowl to cut out four equally sized round circles. Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper and refrigerate. Preheat the oven to 180° Celsius. Mix three tablespoons of milk with flour. Heat the remaining milk … Read more