Lavender Ice Cream

For the lavender ice cream, wash the lavender sprigs, shake dry and place in a saucepan with the whipping cream and orange zest and heat. Add the sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour the mixture through a sieve. Place egg yolks in a mixing bowl and beat until foamy. Gradually stir in … Read more

Salad with Apricots and Goat Cheese

Clean the lettuce, divide into leaves and spin dry. Core the apricots and cut into quarters. Roast the walnuts briefly in a frying pan. Place the lettuce leaves and the apricots in a suitable bowl. Pour the dressing over them. Mix carefully. Crumble the goat cheese and form over it with the walnut kernels. html

Steam Noodles – Sweet or Salty

Pasta dishes are always delicious! In a large baking bowl, crumble the yeast into small crumbs, add a little milk and sugar. Mix it all together to form a dampfl, then cover the baking bowl with a thin towel and let the dampfl rise in a not too hot, but warm place. When the dampfl … Read more

Stuffed Cornbread

Assimes cornbread you can bake with many different fillings. Vegetables such as leeks, onions, green onions, spinach and chard can be used, as well as minced beef and lamb. You can also use your imagination with the spices. Bring the water to a boil, let it cool a little and then knead it with butter, … Read more

Couscous with Meat and Vegetables

Soak peas for one night, drain, cover with fresh water and make 3 hours. Cool in the water. Cut off meat, place in a large pot. In the absence of a couscous maker, use a larger pot. Dice onions and garlic. Add to meat with saffron, salt, cinnamon, peppercorns, paprika, oil and 1/2 liter of … Read more

Stuffed Peppers From the Grill

For stuffed peppers, clean the peppers and cut them in half. Mix the herbs with olive oil, cut the feta into small cubes (or crumble with your hands) and add to the herbs. Fill the halves of the peppers with the herbs/feta mixture and if desired, add strips of ham or bacon on top. Place … Read more

Pumpkin Herb

For the pumpkin herb, peel and seed the pumpkin. Coarsely cut or grate, salt and let stand for some time. Cut the onion into cubes and fry. Add the cabbage and a dash of vinegar. Season well with garlic, salt, bell pepper, cumin, tomato paste, paprika powder and bouillon cube and finish steaming. Serve the … Read more

Pasta Carbonara

For pasta carbonara first cut the bacon into small pieces and fry in a little oil. When it gets a nice color add the finely chopped garlic and fry a little more. Then deglaze with the cream and bring to the boil. Let it simmer for about 15 minutes. Shortly before the end, add the … Read more