Parsnip Terrine

Clean the parsnips, rinse and cook in vegetable soup until tender. Then drain, crush and fold in chickpea flour. Gently roll the puree for five minutes. Soak gelatin in water, squeeze out, stir into parsnip puree and season. Fill the amount into a pie or loaf pan, set aside to cool. Cook the beet until … Read more

Mallorcan Style Almond Cake

Try this delicious cake recipe: Blanch (scald) the almond kernels with boiling hot water, pull briefly, then remove from the shells and dry. Grind the kernels finely. Preheat the oven to 180 °C (convection oven: 160 °C ). Separate the eggs. Mix the powdered sugar with the egg yolks until smooth and add the cinnamon, … Read more

Zucchini Salad

For the zucchini salad, cut the zucchini, peppers, onions, celery and carrots into sticks.boil a broth from 1 l vinegar, 3/8 l water, salt, sugar, 3 bay leaves, some mustard and peppercorns (10 minutes). Then add carrots, celery (5 minutes), peppers, onions (another 5 minutes) and finally zucchini and cook everything together for another 10 … Read more

Cozze Alla Marinara

For the cozze alla marinara, brush mussels well under cold running water and remove beards. Discard mussels with open shells that cannot be closed or those that are damaged. Leave one clove of garlic whole, finely chop the others. In a suitable pan, heat olive oil and saute the chopped garlic with half the parsley … Read more

Cumberland Sauce

For the Cumberland sauce, whisk the currant-orange jelly until smooth and stir in the red wine and mustard. Stir in the olive oil and season the Cumberland sauce with orange peel, lemon juice, sugar and salt.

Cauliflower Casserole with Pasta and Bacon

Make the cauliflower in salted water for 15 minutes. It should not be completely cooked. Then cut it into small pieces. Make the pasta and quench it. Cut the bacon into cubes. Put the pasta, the cauliflower and the ham in a gratin dish (alternating layers). Whisk the milk with the eggs and season with … Read more

Paprika Spread

For the paprika spread, finely chop the paprika. Put the sour cream in a bowl, add the paprika, press the garlic into it, mix well with the spices and herbs and serve.

Pork with Vegetables

A bean recipe for every taste: Cut the pork into narrow slices. Heat the oil in a preheated wok. Add the garlic, ginger and pork and fry for 1 to 2 min. until crispy on all sides. Add the carrot, bell bell pepper, fennel and water chestnuts to the wok form and stir-fry for about … Read more

Spray Bakery

For the spritz bakery, cream the butter and sugar until fluffy. Then add the yolks and flour. Stir in grated lemon zest and vanilla sugar. Fill the mixture into a piping bag and place sticks on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake in the oven at 170°C for about 10-15 minutes. Spread the … Read more

Mango Info + Some Recipe Suggestions

The green-yellow-orange mottled tree fruit, which looks something like a dented large lemon, belongs to the Anacardia family. It is native to India and the tropics. Its apricot-colored, tender flesh contains lots of vitamin A and also C, calsium and iron, but often tastes resinous and slightly like turpentine. The reddish varieties are sour, the … Read more