Lentil Soup with Shrimp Gnocchi

For the gnocchi, remove the shells from the crayfish tails, gut them and cut them off. Pluck tarragon leaves, chop finely. Whisk the crayfish tails and egg whites in batches in a food processor to a fine farce. Season with tarragon, salt and pepper, refrigerate with lid closed. For the soup, rinse and drain the … Read more

Autumn Cupcakes

Peel and finely dice the apples, mix in a bowl with the lemon juice, lemon zest, orange juice and orange zest. Stir in the cranberries, raisins, brown sugar and cherry brandy and leave the mixture to infuse overnight if possible. Place the butter in a bowl with the sugar and vanilla sugar and beat until … Read more

Melanzane Ss La Roma, Homemade

Try this delicious pasta dish: Butter a gratin dish well and preheat the oven to 200 °C. Rinse the melanzane, cut the end pieces into small pieces, cut each au- bergine into four thick slices, carefully scoop out the flesh with a spoon and save the peel rings. Finely chop the pulp, sauté with onion, … Read more

Cheese Focaccia

For the dough, knead together flour, salt and oil with enough cold water to form an elastic dough. Cover and rest at room temperature for about 1 hour. Now knead heartily and stand repeatedly. For the filling, dice Fortina and Gorgonzola into small cubes. Mix with Parmesan, pepper and chopped herbs. Roll out half of … Read more

Hungary’s Bouillabaisse: Hal Szl – Info

Info: The fishermen of the Tisza and Lake Balaton his own about a recipe that is in no way inferior to the southern French bouillabaisse, the fish soup hal szlÂ. The delicate flavor of the paprika gives a special touch to this fine and tasty dish, which can easily be served as a main course … Read more

Potato Soup with Porcini Mushrooms

For the potato soup with porcini, first cover the dried porcini mushrooms with hot water in a bowl and soak for at least half an hour. Peel the potatoes, garlic and onion, clean the greens and cut everything into pieces of about the same size. Pluck the parsley and set aside. Heat the butter in … Read more

Orange Mascarpone Cream

For the orange mascarpone cream, first grate the orange zest from one orange into the mixing bowl. Add the mascarpone and sugar. Squeeze 5 oranges and add half of the juice to the mascarpone. Peel the last orange and set aside cut into rings for decoration. Pour into four dessert glasses and place biscotti all … Read more

Baked Ham Fritters

For the ham fritters, cook the fritters according to package directions. Cut the ham into cubes. Mix egg with sour cream, salt, pepper, herbs and nutmeg. Mix the meatballs with the egg mixture. Grease casserole dish with butter, pour in Fleckerl mixture, place cheese on top. Bake in the preheated oven at 180 °C for … Read more

Venezia Cake

A simple but delicious cake recipe: Mix crème fraîche, Philadelphia and vanilla sugar together with the Amaretto until creamy. Fold in about 3/4 of the whipped cream. Spread the whole amount on the sponge cake base soaked with amaretto. Finally, sprinkle with cocoa powder and decorate with the remaining whipped cream. Of the Parksteiner Land

Hargita Style Soup with Tarragon

The oil is heated and the diced meat is fried in it. Add 1 liter of beef broth or water (can be prepared from soup cubes) and cook until the meat is semi-soft. Then the chopped soup vegetables are added and cooked until soft. The egg is mixed with sour whipped cream and poured into … Read more