Stuffed Party Bread

1. put water to cook the eggs hard in boiling water in 10 min. Quench with cold water and peel. 2. cut the baguette in half. 3. hollow out each half with a wooden spoon, leaving a rim about 1 cm wide. Mix the butter with the cream cheese and the egg yolk pressed through … Read more

Poppy Seed Puree with Port Figs and Hips Leaf

Bring poppy seeds with white port wine to a boil, fold in powidl and melted cooking chocolate. Whip the cream until semi-solid. Whisk egg, egg yolk and cognac in a snow kettle over steam until finger warm. Fold in gelatin, then whip until cooled on ice. Alternately fold the half-beaten cream, the cooking chocolate and … Read more

Spring Salad in Crispy Pudding

1. preheat oven to 180 °C. Turn out an ovenproof baking dish (O approx. 15 cm) onto a baking tray, brush with olive oil, place dough sheet on top, brush with olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and sesame seeds and bake in the oven for 5¿6 min. until crispy. Remove the dough bowl from … Read more

False Puff Pastry

Sift the flour with the baking powder on the work surface and press a dent in the center. Put the curd cheese and the butter cut into pieces into the indentation. Cover the curd and butter with a little flour and, with cold hands, knead the whole thing from the inside out until smooth. Roll … Read more

Curry Dressing

For the curry dressing, mix the mayonnaise, yogurt and orange juice. Season with curry powder, mustard powder and soy sauce. Peel the garlic and press it through a garlic press. Stir the garlic and finely chopped parsley into the curry dressing.

Potato and Broccoli Cheese Roll

For the potato-broccoli roll, boil the potato until soft. Divide broccoli into florets and cook in salted water until al dente. Quench with cold water. Remove the skin from the potatoes while they are still hot, then strain or mash them and quickly mix them with the flour, semolina, egg, butter and salt to form … Read more

Vegetables with Banana Dip

For the dip, chop the apple, garlic, onion and banana. In a small pan, roast the curry powder without adding fat. Add the prepared ingredients and cook until soft. Add the ginger. Extinguish with soup and simmer on low heat. If necessary, add a little more soup. Puree. Cool. Fold the puree into the curd … Read more

Ghost and Eggs

For the Ghost and Eggs, grease a ghost cookie cutter well, as well as a round cookie cutter. Heat the ceramic pan. When it is hot, place the metal cookie cutters in it and separate the egg. Slide the egg white into the ghost cookie cutter, and the yolk into the round one. Fry the … Read more

Grammelkrapferln (Pogatschen)

Crumble the yeast, dissolve in the lukewarm milk and stir with a little flour to form a dampfl. Sprinkle the dampfl with a little flour, keep warm at a maximum of 40 °C and allow to rise until cracks appear on the surface. Mix sour cream with egg, wine and chopped parsley thoroughly. Mix dampfl … Read more